As a DBA I have found many occasions in testing of various SQL Server deployments and scripts where I need to load a database with data from a lower environment or where I need to alter a table that might already have data in it in such a way that I need to first eliminate the data before I can proceed. Depending on the foreign key constraints in place, clearing old data can be a tedious process.
When I don't care about existing data in a SQL Server database, but I don't want to resort to dropping and re-creating the database and all the additional tasks that come with it, I have found truncating all the data in all the tables to be an effective solution. I prefer truncating over deleting the data because of the various advantages truncating has by nature when you want to reset to a clean state.
Unfortunately, in most complex database designs there are numerous foreign key relationships that make it impossible to just use a simple "for each" loop and issuing a TRUNCATE command.
To illustrate this problem and my solution, we first need to create a database with several tables with foreign key constraints.
This creates tables that look like this:
The data in the tables look like:
T1 | T2 |
T3 | ItemTable |
If you attempt to truncate any of the tables you get this error:
If you attempt to delete data from the tables you get this error:
If you only want to use the DELETE statement against your tables, you can disable the constraints, delete your data and re-enable your constraints.
This works, but if you try do the same thing using TRUNCATE you get the following:
A solution that can TRUNCATE all tables
In order to truncate all tables in your database you must first remove all the foreign key constraints, truncate the tables, and then restore all the constraints.
The below script accomplishes this in an automated fashion, by executing the following steps:
- Create a table variable to store the constraint drop and creation scripts for the database
- Load the data for all tables in the database
- Execute a cursor to drop all constraints
- Truncate all tables
- Recreate all the constraints
/* TRUNCATE ALL TABLES IN A DATABASE */ DECLARE @dropAndCreateConstraintsTable TABLE ( DropStmt VARCHAR(MAX) ,CreateStmt VARCHAR(MAX) ) /* Gather information to drop and then recreate the current foreign key constraints */ INSERT @dropAndCreateConstraintsTable SELECT DropStmt = 'ALTER TABLE [' + ForeignKeys.ForeignTableSchema + '].[' + ForeignKeys.ForeignTableName + '] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + ForeignKeys.ForeignKeyName + ']; ' ,CreateStmt = 'ALTER TABLE [' + ForeignKeys.ForeignTableSchema + '].[' + ForeignKeys.ForeignTableName + '] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [' + ForeignKeys.ForeignKeyName + '] FOREIGN KEY([' + ForeignKeys.ForeignTableColumn + ']) REFERENCES [' + SCHEMA_NAME(sys.objects.schema_id) + '].[' + sys.objects.[name] + ']([' + sys.columns.[name] + ']); ' FROM sys.objects INNER JOIN sys.columns ON ( sys.columns.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id] ) INNER JOIN ( SELECT sys.foreign_keys.[name] AS ForeignKeyName ,SCHEMA_NAME(sys.objects.schema_id) AS ForeignTableSchema ,sys.objects.[name] AS ForeignTableName ,sys.columns.[name] AS ForeignTableColumn ,sys.foreign_keys.referenced_object_id AS referenced_object_id ,sys.foreign_key_columns.referenced_column_id AS referenced_column_id FROM sys.foreign_keys INNER JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns ON ( sys.foreign_key_columns.constraint_object_id = sys.foreign_keys.[object_id] ) INNER JOIN sys.objects ON ( sys.objects.[object_id] = sys.foreign_keys.parent_object_id ) INNER JOIN sys.columns ON ( sys.columns.[object_id] = sys.objects.[object_id] ) AND ( sys.columns.column_id = sys.foreign_key_columns.parent_column_id ) ) ForeignKeys ON ( ForeignKeys.referenced_object_id = sys.objects.[object_id] ) AND ( ForeignKeys.referenced_column_id = sys.columns.column_id ) WHERE ( sys.objects.[type] = 'U' ) AND ( sys.objects.[name] NOT IN ( 'sysdiagrams' ) ) /* SELECT * FROM @dropAndCreateConstraintsTable AS DACCT --Test statement*/ DECLARE @DropStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @RecreateStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) /* Drop Constraints */ DECLARE Cur1 CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT DropStmt FROM @dropAndCreateConstraintsTable OPEN Cur1 FETCH NEXT FROM Cur1 INTO @DropStatement WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Executing ' + @DropStatement EXECUTE sp_executesql @DropStatement FETCH NEXT FROM Cur1 INTO @DropStatement END CLOSE Cur1 DEALLOCATE Cur1 /* Truncate all tables in the database in the dbo schema */ DECLARE @DeleteTableStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE Cur2 CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT 'TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[' + TABLE_NAME + ']' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbo' AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' /* Change your schema appropriately if you don't want to use dbo */ OPEN Cur2 FETCH NEXT FROM Cur2 INTO @DeleteTableStatement WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Executing ' + @DeleteTableStatement EXECUTE sp_executesql @DeleteTableStatement FETCH NEXT FROM Cur2 INTO @DeleteTableStatement END CLOSE Cur2 DEALLOCATE Cur2 /* Recreate foreign key constraints */ DECLARE Cur3 CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT CreateStmt FROM @dropAndCreateConstraintsTable OPEN Cur3 FETCH NEXT FROM Cur3 INTO @RecreateStatement WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Executing ' + @RecreateStatement EXECUTE sp_executesql @RecreateStatement FETCH NEXT FROM Cur3 INTO @RecreateStatement END CLOSE Cur3 DEALLOCATE Cur3 GO
When the above script is run against any database, all the tables are emptied and reset.
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